• Colourful Hot Air Balloons

    January 18, 2022

    How To Avoid Travel Related Fraud

    Booking a holiday with a travel company only to find it doesn’t exist, and therefore being scammed out of [...]

  • financial-protection-in-travel

    December 29, 2021

    Consumers Are More Aware of Financial Protection in Travel

    According to a poll recently conducted by the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority), consumers are more aware of financial protection than [...]

  • check-financial-protection-when-booking

    September 20, 2021

    How You Can Check Financial Protection Before Booking

    As travel is finding its feet and restrictions are beginning to ease, many of us, consumers and travel businesses alike, [...]

  • what-is-atol

    August 28, 2021

    What is ATOL? The Ultimate Consumer Guide

    If you've looked into any consumer protection in travel, I'm sure you've come across the term 'ATOL'. An important part [...]

  • #travelwithtrust

    August 9, 2021

    PTS Launch Consumer Protection Campaign #TravelWithTrust

    At Protected Trust Services (PTS) we and our members are dedicated to ensuring our consumers can travel with trust on [...]

  • travel-with-trust

    June 21, 2021

    Why You Should Travel With Trust For Your Next Holiday

    When it comes to travelling, no one really wants to be thinking about financial and legal safety when you're trying [...]

  • How Is MY Holiday Protected?

    June 5, 2021

    How Is My Holiday Protected and How Do I Check This?

    It's not always easy to know if and how your holiday is protected. Whether you are going abroad, or staying [...]

  • Travel Fraud

    May 14, 2021

    How Do I Avoid Travel Fraud When Booking My Holiday?

    There's a lot of risks to think about and challenges to face in the travel industry in 2021. However, a [...]

  • how-to-avoid-holiday-scams

    April 24, 2018

    How To Avoid Holiday Scams – Daily Express Article

    Daniel Landen, MD of Protected Trust Services gave expert advice to The Daily Express to advise consumers on how to [...]

  • holiday-fraud

    July 3, 2017

    5 Things You Can Do To Prevent Holiday Fraud

    When booking a holiday, most unsuspecting consumers will believe that their money is automatically protected. Unfortunately, this simply isn't the [...]

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