• caa

    October 17, 2022

    CAA Put Consumers’ Interests ‘At Heart’ in Future Policy

    The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have introduced a panel of "consumer experts" to work with them in the coming [...]

  • air-passenger-rights

    February 6, 2022

    Government Considering Changing Air Passenger Rights

    On Monday the 31st of January, the UK government released the proposal for a series of changes they intend to [...]

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    Booking a package holiday provides great advantage to you, the consumer, and to your travel agent. It provides great [...]

  • package-holidays

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    If you've looked into good protection in travel before, it's almost certain that you've heard the term 'package holidays' a [...]

  • Package Holiday vs Individual

    May 12, 2021

    Should I Book a Package Holiday or Book Independently?

    The 17th of May is approaching and with it the anticipation of a relaxing holiday in a sunny, green list country to take a long-deserved break from pandemic stress. Among the worries of restrictions and constant changes, the question of package holiday vs. choose-your-own-adventure booking is a simple decision, but well worth a good think.

  • holiday-consumer-rights

    May 4, 2021

    The Complete Guide To Your Holiday Consumer Rights

    The Package Travel Regulations can tell you all you need to know, but they're not always the easiest to understand. [...]

  • Package Travel Regulations

    August 2, 2019

    Package Travel Regulations: The Ultimate Compliance Guide

    From July 1st, 2018 the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations have been in effect, protecting consumers across the UK whilst on holiday. Below we will break down exactly what this means and answer any questions you may have.

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