The ability to add your own travel suppliers is imperative to many tour operators. However, most travel software solutions will only allow you to sell their linked suppliers. But this freedom and the ability to choose which suppliers you build relationships with allows you complete control over your packages and allows more efficient and limitless business.

At Protected Trust Services (PTS), we surveyed over 1000 tour operators and asked this very simple question: “If you were to have the most effective software solution to help you run your travel business, what would you name as number one requirement?”

80% of tour operator participants answered with, managing our own suppliers and clients effectively.

The team at PTS took this on board and have now developed, and launched, an innovative travel software system that is linked to an independent trust account, to allow PTS members to add and manage their own suppliers and clients, alongside many other time-saving functionalities.

Tour operators tend to have a vision and specialise in niche markets. With this in mind, it is no surprise that being able to add your own local suppliers to your own private software system is of utmost importance. Whether you are a niche cycling holiday company specialising in trips to Bulgaria or a tour operator specialising in luxury trips to Borneo to see the Orangutans, you will inevitably know your local market and have contacts with small suppliers you have discovered.

How The PTS Travel Software Solution works for Tour Operators and Suppliers

The PTS system gives you access to a plethora of suppliers around the globe. Any PTS member has access to our database of suppliers with preferential rates if you were to want to book more generic trips for the general traveller.

Having easy access to all the PTS API links allows you to have contingency plans at your fingertips and also allows you to grow your business faster than you thought as you have the ability to build new packages with a whole database of suppliers.

Alongside this, you can add your own suppliers. At PTS we do not want to inhibit you by just giving you set suppliers to work with. Our mission is to encourage tour operators to be as successful as possible and to work with you to support you.

Adding your own suppliers allows you to have complete control of your business and allows you to bring your dream and vision alive.

As PTS is a solution that ensures complete Package Travel Regulation compliance all you need to do is add the supplier, with all their details, to the system. Tick the addition box which alerts head office that a new supplier has been added and head office will run all the compliance checks behind the scenes.

We have made it as simple as possible for PTS members.

At PTS, We Encourage All Members to be Independent

Your travel business is your business. All we do is make sure that you can run cost-effectively, productively and in accordance with Package Travel Regulation compliance. We have put everything in place, as one central solution for your travel business to allow you to concentrate on sales and marketing.

Think of us as the foundation, we’ll provide all the tools you need to build your awesome travel business and if you need us we’re only a phone call away. PTS allows payments, organisation, management, and more to run smoothly without limiting you or looming over your shoulder, so you can run your business exactly how you want to.

Relationships with Suppliers Are Key for Any Travel Business

Travel suppliers can create your unique selling point, they can make or break your tour by the level of service they offer to your clients, Your suppliers create your client experience as much as you do and finding the right suppliers is key.

So, PTS have nurtured this and are excited about the launch of our new travel software solution that allows all PTS members to be one step ahead of competitors.

Managing your own suppliers is just one of the innovative elements of the PTS travel software. If you haven’t already looked at the PTS system, do give us a call and we can show you the vast capabilities of our newly developed supporting travel software.

If you’d like to discuss further our supplier database system, please get in contact with one of Protected Trust Services’ (PTS) lovely staff members by calling 0207 190 9988. Or, you can visit our member support and travel trust account pages to learn more about how we protect you.

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