An announcement was released this week by the Foreign Office as temperatures across the United States have come to a heatwave that is affecting a majority of the country. Warnings have been released by several authorities to travellers and their informing travel agents.  

‘Extreme heat’ was the warning released by the FCDO on their Foreign Travel Advice page, describing the apparent affect that the heat has already had on some travellers and US citizens. The Foreign Office has advised travellers to keep updated on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) page for further advice as the heatwave progresses. 

This warning has come after several passengers on a flight to Las Vegas in Nevada had to be removed from the flight due to illness and health issues caused by the incredible heat across the state.  

According to the reports, several of these passengers passed out from the heatwave and many more fell sick and feverish. The passengers had to be removed from the flight on stretchers.  

The passengers took ill from the heat due to a long queue of aeroplanes trying to take off from Harry Reid airport while the temperature remained steadily at 111F (Approx. 44C). The plane had to turn around due to the passengers that fell ill in the wait.


Based on the heat map released by the CDC this week, Nevada is currently one of the states that is experiencing the peak of the heatwave with temperatures over 100F (Approx. 38C) throughout this week. Arizona experienced the highest with the mercury reaching 115F (Approx. 46C). 

Select areas in California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico have also reached levels over 100F during the heatwave so far, and Florida has reached a record 93F (Approx. 34C). 

So, if you’d like to learn more about how your consumers’ monies are protected with Protected Trust Services (PTS) and how we support excellent travel businesses, check out our pages. Or you can get in touch with the lovely PTS team by calling 0207 190 9988, emailing us at, or finding us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

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