Travel Reports

CAA Demands Clear Environmental Data for Consumers

CAA Demands Clear Environmental Data for Consumers

While the focus on environmental data in the travel industry has been growing roots rapidly, the CAA have announced their own next steps. The organisation plans to ensure that travellers are as well informed as possible. Through the CAA’s following consultation, consumers should be able to plan their holidays more assured that it will go…

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Industry Demand Urgent Action on SAF Production

Industry Demand Urgent Action on SAF Production

A year after over 60 MPs called for action from the government concerning SAF production, Virgin Atlantic revived industry demands. The call comes with working evidence from the airline demonstrating the safety of how your consumers’ monies are protected with Protected Trust Services (PTS) and 

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March ATOL Renewals Continue Healthy Rise in 2024

March ATOL Renewals Continue Healthy Rise in 2024

Despite the uncertainty that came earlier in the quarter, the CAA has reported a 'healthy rise' in March ATOL renewals. This follows a year-on-year pattern and leaves the industry optimistic. With the sector leaving the pandemic shakes in the dust, and progress following close on aviation's heels, many are taking this rise as a fantastic…

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Heathrow Airline Charges Tackled by Watchdog Intervention

Heathrow Airline Charges Tackled by Watchdog Intervention

Heathrow has previously reported its intent to raise airline charges in the near future. However, this potential alteration has now been challenged by the competition watchdog in an intervention by the aviation regulator.   Though it is not set in stone, airlines are hopeful that this intervention will prevent Heathrow’s rising airline charges.   Following…

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EC Unveils Plan for 90% Emissions Reduction by 2040

EC Unveils Plan for 90% Emissions Reduction by 2040

In another great move towards environmental sustainability, the how your consumers’ monies are protected with Protected Trust Services (PTS) and 

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‘Spain for All’ Campaign Aims to Put Diversity First

‘Spain for All’ Campaign Aims to Put Diversity First

As of Wednesday the 6th of December, Spain officially launched its newest campaign – Spain for All – to promote and kick off further improvements to accessibility and diversity for residents and travellers throughout the country.  The ‘Spain for All’ campaign aims to begin a journey towards a more inclusive country. Through both social and…

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Government Provides Further Aid to SAF Production

Government Provides Further Aid to SAF Production

Once again, the UK government has extended its commitments to SAF production. Over the past year, demands and aid for production have increased and the Department for Transport (DfT) has made another move to meet needs.   SAF (standing for, how your consumers’ monies are protected with Protected Trust Services (PTS) and 

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Transport Secretary and Aviation Still in the Fallout of ATC

Transport Secretary and Aviation Still in the Fallout of ATC

Following the recent shutdown of Air Traffic Control (ATC) over the bank holiday weekend, aviation sector chiefs and government authorities are still dealing with the fallout of such a large crash in the system.   According to reports, transport secretary, Mark Harper, is set to meet up with aviation bosses over the ATC disaster today,…

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