In light of the recent disruptions to airports, airlines, and the aviation sector, the UK government’s Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, has released an aviation guide in one of the government’s bids to fight the disruptions.  

Over the course of the past few months, the aviation sector has seen minor and major disruptions to flights, airports, and bookings. Many consumers have encountered a great deal of confusion and concern at these disruptions to their summer flights, and the government has proposed and created this aviation guide with experts from the aviation sector, in order to assist consumers in their journey at this less certain time. 

The Aviation Passenger Charter, as the aviation guide has been named, was created by the government, experts from the travel industry, and consumer and disability groups to inform travellers and passengers on what they can expect when they’re faced with a delayed flight or a cancelled flight due to the disruptions this summer.  

The aviation guide also includes, and hopes to assist in providing accessible information for disabled passengers and those with reduced mobility detailing their passenger rights and what to do when things go wrong.  

The government claimed they aim for this aviation guide to be a “one-stop shop” for passengers. From the moment they book, to the moment they return to the UK, this guide is intended to cover their passenger rights and provide advice for how to deal with issues across the entire journey.  

“It outlines what aviation passengers can reasonably expect from airlines, travel agents, tour operators and airports, and what do if things go wrong,” said the government. 

“This includes advice on what to do if flights are cancelled or delayed, or if baggage goes missing, as well as guidance on how to complain if passengers feel they have been treated unfairly.” 

Grant Shapps added, “Passengers deserve reliable services, and to be properly compensated if things don’t go to plan, and the chaotic scenes we’ve seen at airports scenes we’ve seen at airports are unacceptable. 

“The new charter will help to give UK passengers peace of mind as they enjoy the renewed freedom to travel, whether for holidays, business or to visit loved ones. 

“Our passenger charter builds on our 22-point plan to support the industry in backing holidaymakers and keeping disruption to a minimum this summer.” 

The Chief Executive of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Rickard Moriarty, also added, “It is important that we at the Civil Aviation Authority and wider industry continue to work together in the interests of consumers. 

“A part of that is how we improve the information they receive and making sure it is clear and concise to help support and improve their overall travel experience.” 

So, if you’re looking forward to your next holiday, don’t wait, book now with a travel business registered with PTS for 100% financial protection through trust. Or, if you’d like assistance choosing one of the lovely PTS members to book with, you can contact PTS directly at 0207 190 9988.    

And if you’d like to learn more about your financial protection with PTS or how the Package Travel Regulations protect your holiday booking, check out our pages and Travel Advice. 

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