As the end of the first quarter approaches, we can start to see a pattern for 2022 travel. Though the past two years has encouraged the travel industry to become more flexible and adapt to changing circumstances, 2022 travel is already cutting out to be a fantastic year ahead.  

While 2020 and 2021 presented challenges, changes, and opened the eyes of travellers and travel workers alike to unseen issues and ways we can make travel even better, in the long run, 2022 travel has already shown itself to be more stable and optimistic.  

From the many destinations that are now opening their doors and relaxing travel restrictions, to the incoming demand for travel like never before, this has already been an exciting year for travel. So, in the new travel climate of 2022, what should you be looking out for ready for your next great holiday? Well, let’s explore!  

Destination Entry Rules

We’re sure you’ve heard plenty about the importance of Covid restrictions in 2022 travel by now. Even in the more stable travel world of 2022, keeping up to date with the entry rules for your destination and the UK itself is still one of the easiest ways to get peace of mind on your booking.  

Whether you’re an avid travel news checker or not, ensuring you know the rules and restrictions of your destination is a quick and simple thing to check. The Foreign Travel Advice website will have live updates on any changing rules as and when they change, plus links to the relevant tourism boards and sites for the destination.  

If there’s any detail that a news article may have missed, or you need to check rules surrounding visas and travel insurance, the FTA page is where you’ll find it.  

Previously, this would have been vital to ensure you could still travel to a country during Covid, and while that is still a reason, checking the domestic rules for a country that’s open to travellers is also an important aspect. Finding out your destination is restriction-free is an exciting prospect as well, with 2022 travel seeing the rapid opening of travel in some awesome destinations. 

The Demand for More Travel in 2022

As the good news has kept rolling in and consumer confidence has been soaring, it’s no surprise that the pent-up demand for travel is reaching its peak.  

With travellers who have been waiting two years to go on a big adventure, to those who have travelled during Covid, but are looking forward to new destinations. The demand for travel in 2022 is keeping travel businesses busy and raring to go.  

This is an awesome prospect for the year ahead, with so many travel businesses excited. Tourism industries will be looking forward to travellers that had dwindled, and you will have so many fantastic holidays to choose from as 2022 travel has taken off.

However, as a traveller, what this does mean, is that spots on trips will be running out faster than ever. Because of this, we highly recommend booking your holiday straight away.  

Whether you’re booking ahead for next year or snatching up a last-minute trip, don’t wait, book now. With the great developments of consumer protection in 2022 travel, you can rest assured that your booking will be protected in case something goes wrong and you need to amend, move, or cancel your booking.  

We advise you to check the booking policies of the company you’re booking with, get good travel insurance, and ensure you have great financial protection such as with a member of Protected Trust Services (PTS), and book as soon as possible. With protection like this, you don’t have to worry about anything getting in the way of your holiday. 

Excellent Financial Protection with a Protected Trust Services (PTS) Travel Expert

As we touched on in the last part, one of the best ways you can ensure a great holiday with peace of mind for 2022 travel is to ensure you have excellent financial protection. Whether it’s travel insurance, ATOL, Package Travel Regulations (PTR), or booking with a travel expert registered with Protected Trust Services (PTS), having a well-protected holiday is key. 

Plus, when you book with a trusted member of PTS, the essential protection of ATOL or Package Travel Regulations is already guaranteed if necessary (if you’d like to learn more about ATOL protection and when it’s necessary, check out our article). 

Booking your 2022 travel with a travel expert is an efficient and simple way to ensure a great holiday with great protection. A good travel agent is always just a phone call away, so if you have any queries or there’s anything you’ve missed (such as destination policies) then they’re there to help. Good travel agents are always up to date on the destinations their holidays are set in, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. 

Booking a package holiday with a travel agent will also afford you the legal and financial protection of the Package Travel Regulations. Plus, if you book with a trusted PTS member, then you have confirmation from the expert PTS team that your travel agent is Package Travel Regulations compliant and trusted by the PTS team to give you great financial protection.  

The consumer monies paid to a PTS member are 100% protected with the PTS travel trust account system. What does this mean?

  1. Full transparency – If you’re worried about where your monies are, you can find out exactly where they are down to the penny.
  2. The money is only used to book your holiday – When your monies go into the PTS trust account, they are only released from the trust account to pay for your booking or provide you with a refund or reimbursement if necessary.  
  3. The money is protected by independent trustees – The independent trustees are an outside party that don’t benefit directly from your booking, meaning we can trust them to protect your money and only release it to the travel business when necessary.  
  4. If you need your money back? No problem! – The PTS trust account system is expertly designed for efficient transactions. Paired with the PTS software, this means that if you need your money back for whatever reason, there’s no delay in getting it straight back to you within the 7 days allocated by the Package Travel Regulations.  

Booking your 2022 travel adventure with a member of Protected Trust Services (PTS) means that you receive complete financial protection and can trust that we have ensured you’re booking with an expert providing great holidays. 

So, if you’re looking forward to your next great holiday, don’t wait, book now with a travel business registered with PTS for 100% financial protection through trust. Or, if you’d like assistance choosing one of the lovely PTS members to book with, you can contact PTS directly at 0207 190 9988.   

And if you’d like to learn more about your financial protection with PTS or how the Package Travel Regulations protect your holiday booking, check out our pages and Travel Advice.  

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